Thursday, January 19, 2012

You Majored in What? Chapter Three

"acquiring a lot of knowledge and information without thinking of its value"

I found this quote to be very important because this is what most people do. This is also what people must snap out of. Information should be acquire with intention to be able to use it, otherwise it is time wasted. I have learned to enjoy classes that i normally wouldnt by thinking to myself "how will i use this information?, will this ever come in handy?" and most times i find a reason to not waste my time in class texting.

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change" -Wayne Dyer

 I absolutely agree with this quote. I have come to this conclusion many times in my life. This is because i have done alot of traveling. When i leave dreary new york excited to be free and looking down upon all the pollution and crowdedness to go to a small countryside, i come back excited as if i were  tourist and actually appreciating what is around me. It looks so much different because instead of dreading new york i began to miss it, so i saw it in another light.

"Taking yourself too serously..." is "...the greatest stumbling block to creativity"

I must follow this quote. I have always been very creative. I painted and wrote poems at a very young age. I have noticed that i do my best work when i feel light hearted. I do my worst work under pressure and when i critique myself too much. This is because i begin to put weight on y self-confidence and it tends to weaken. I am my own worst enemy.

1 comment:

  1. Eloise Garcia, your perception on how you interpret the quote "the way you look at things" from the text was and interesting one.
