Monday, January 9, 2012

You Majored in What? Chapter One

"...linear thinking can keep you from thinking broadly about your options and being open-minded to new oppurtunities." page 4

      I absolutely believe and understand this quote but it is not easy to go on with your life and accepting the possibility of change when your whole family looks to you asking about "your plan". What do you tell them? Maybe, you will tell them about the book You Majored in What or you will keep it secret. But when you have to give your parents constant reports on your life it truly hurts to disappoint them with, "we all live in a world of chaos and I will be successful and have a career by taking hold of this chaotic world and controlling what it offers and what oppurtunities it presents, I do not know what will become of me but I do know what I am good at and that is good enough for me". I cant just say that... or.... can I?

"...a common myth that your degree equals your earning power."

     Most people believe this and even take it as fact. it has been instilled in peoples minds for hundreds of years. Ofcourse, I KNOW this is not true. You can have a PhD or doctorate or WHATEVER. but it doesnt mean you will be making hundreds of thousands. it all depends upon where you are and if where you are has a demand for your line of work.

"...go with the flow of your job search instead of wanting to force and control everything."

     I MUST learn this. I know i am supposed to have a job and i am supposed to be doing great in school. That i push it so hard that most cases the odds work against me. I must learn to carry out my duty with a more relaxed state of mind. My biggest fear is failing that i stress myself beyond belief and to tears so that i CANNOT fail. But i am smart and strong. i should trust myself that because my biggest fear is failure that i wont let it happen. When i step back from an issue i realize this. BUT i never realize i need to relax when it is most important.

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