Thursday, February 2, 2012

You Majored in What? Ch 4

"Your love of learning could make you a valuable employee"

     This applies to me very much. I love learning. It is a true passion. Yesterday was the first day of my internship for Musee Magazine. I did not know what i was doing in the beginning of the day and made a fool of myself. It was obvious that i was absolutely lost the whole time but i was afraid to admit to it because i didnt want to be sent away. So the whole time i didnt complain or reveal my confusion, i made sure i listened to everyone that was said and peeked at other peoples computers and I LEARNED WHAT TO DO. Being very analytical helped. At the end of the day i went up to the woman i had no idea about a thing i was doing and she said "i know, but you did great".

"there is little correlation between your college grade point average and the salary you recieve or how successful you are in your career."

     I think this is very important to understand. There alot of very smart people who dont understand this and are disallussioned. Life is one big gamble. Doesnt matter if you have your masters.

"regardless of your majors relevance to your future, it contains vast amont of information ready to be mined".

     There are people who i know wont care about a class or will talk to the teacher rudely about how the class provides nothing for them. This is a wrong way of thinking. this is because no matter what you do you are also learning. this is becasue you are always living and gaining new experiences. No matter if the class you take doesnt matter to you or apply to your life goals. you will learn a new way of thinking or even learn the skill of dealing with what you cant change.


  1. i agree, everything you learn will eventually help you in some type of way later on in life thats why in college the first year consists of various classes that are not related to the major

  2. Aaww, don't worry, this is absolutely normal to feel lost in a new job, mostly when you have never done such work before, but see, you still did great and they would not have sent you away because you are also not able to know everything the first day. Just keep going with that positve attitude, girl!
